今天先来 短期速成top1——写作篇。
(1) 就我所知:as far as I know, to my knowledge
(2) 在我看来:from my point of view, in my view/opinion/personal judgment, it seems to me that
(3) 关于,就……而言:in reference to , with regard to, in respect to/of , as to, as/so far …is concerned
(4) 一般来说:generally speaking
(5) 概括地说:in general terms
(6) 严格地说:strictly speaking
(7) 更准确地说:precisely speaking, more specifically speaking
(8) 可以肯定地说:It is safe to say that…
(9) 我认为:I think/ believe that…
(10) 人们认为:It is believed that…
(11) 通常认为:It is generally accepted that…
(12) 常言道:It used to be said that…
(13) 众所周知:As is known to all, …; It is well known to all that…
(14) 据说:It is said that…
(15) 据报道:It is reported that…
(16) 有人指出:It is pointed out that…
(17) 有人估计:It is estimated that…
(18) 必须指出:It must be pointed out that…
(19) 必须承认:It must be admitted that…; we must admit that…
(20) 我们必须对…引起注意:we must pay/attach/draw great attention to…
(21) 我们应该重视…:we should place/lay/put great emphasis on…
(22) 最近/近来,……的问题已经引起人们的广泛关注:Recently/nowadays the issue of …has been brought to public attention.
(23) 有证据表明:there is some proof/ evidence that …
(24) 毫无疑问:There is no doubt that…; it is beyond doubt that…; it is undoubtedly that…; it goes without any doubt that…
(25) 显然:it is clear/obvious/apparent that…
(26) 不言而喻:it goes without saying that…; it is self- evident that…
(1) 例如:for example, for instance, such as
(2) 以…… 为例:take …for example
(3) 等等:and so on, and so forth, and all, and others, and the like, as well
(4) 同样地:similarly, likewise, in the same way
(5) 事实上:in fact, in effect, as a matter of fact
(6) 特别是:particularly, in particular, especially
(7) 再者,更重要的是:what’s more, more than that, the most important
(8) 此外:moreover, furthermore, in addition, in addition to that, besides
(9) 即,也就是说:that is , that is to say, or, namely
(10) 换言之:in other words, or, that is
(11) 正如前面所讨论的那样:as is previously discussed
(12) 正如前面所提到的那样:as we have mentioned above
(1) ……的原因有许多:There are many reasons why…
(2) ……的原因如下: The reasons why …are as follows
(3) 我的看法是……:My opinion is that…; From my point of view, …; In my opinion…
(4) 这个问题的最佳解决方案是……:The best solution to the problem is …
(1) 第一层
①首先:first,firstly, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, for one thing
②我的第一点理由是:My first reason is that…
③主要因素是:The main factor is that…
(2) 第二层
①其次:second, secondly, in the second place, next, then, for another
②一种方法是:Another means of … is to …
③第二种解决方法是:The second solution is that…
(3) 第三层
第三点:third, thirdly, besides, in addition, in addition to that, furthermore, what is more important…
(1) 最后一点:last, lastly, last but not least, finally, in the last place, last of all, shortly,
(2) 简言之:in brief, in short, in summary, to sum up
(3) 总之:in a word, in conclusion, in all, altogether
(4) 因此:so, thus, hence, therefore, consequently, for these reasons
(5) 结果:in consequence, as a result
(6) 就我而言, 我认为/相信:as far as I’m concerned, I believe/ think that…
(7) 由此可见:it will be seen from it that…
(8) 如上所述,我们可以得出……的结论:as has been said above, we can conclude that/arrive at/ come to/ make/ reach a conclusion that…
(9) 这就是…的理由:it is the reason that…
(10)只有当我们立即采取有效措施去解决现有的问题,我们才能够…:only when we take immediate and effective measures to solve the present problem can we…
(1) 然而:while, whereas, but, however, nevertheless
(2) 尽管如此:in spite of this, despite all this
(3) 不管,不顾:regardless of
(4) 但在另一方面:but on the other hand
(5) 但是说到….我们认为……:but, as regard to… , we say that
(6) 与……相比:in / by comparison with, as compared with/ be compared against
(7) 对比之下:in/ by contrast
(8) 与……相反:as opposed to, in opposition to, instead of
(9) 反之:On the contrary, instead
(10) 不同的人对…有不同的看法:Different people look at …in different ways
(11) 情况正好相反:The contrary is the case.
(12) 反过来也是对的:The reverse is also true. / Vice versa.
(13) 让我们把A与B作个比较:Let’s make a comparison between A and B
(14) 他们的区别如下:Their differences are/ can be described as follows:
(15) A与B之间的不同在于:The difference between A and B is/lies in/ exists in consists in …; A is different from B in….; A and B are different in …
(16) 然而,虽然A有很多优点,它也有自身的局限性:Advantageous as A is, however, it has its own limitations too.
1、2025年成都市中考满分作文猜测范文:记得那一次动身 “旧时月色,算几番照我,梅边吹笛?唤起美女,不论清寒与攀摘……”我常常读起这首词,便会想起爷爷,想起他艰深的眼神“爷爷曾说过他出格喜好这首词,他是一名甲士,泰半辈子都是在异地渡过的。 大概是他在从军时出格驰念故土的人和事,这首词刚好符合了他其时的心情,因而他与这首词发生了共识。 读着、忆着这首词,少年时我与爷爷的那段出格的回想便悄悄走进了脑海中。 爷爷很爱吹笛,也很会吹笛,父亲经常夸本人吹得好。 常常听到他凝思静气、密意地吹着笛,我就似乎沉醉在柳绿桃红中。 爷爷吹笛爱坐在院子里的梅树下,眼神中写满回想,在唇边横着那只饱经光阴的长笛。 开端吹了,我就以为那笛声活泼而又柔曼。 爷爷长长的手指在笛孔上悄悄地滑动,那笛声似乎是缕缕烟嵐,繚绕着、氤氲着,似乎一阵阵微雨,从晨光初露的天空中洒落,洒在花丛中,洒在欢笑着的少年的衣服上,把人的心机抹得有些润湿。 片晌,爷爷的手指又疾速地弹将起来,生动跌荡,犬牙交错。 时而如小鹿跃在溪涧,芳蹄踏出有数晶莖的水花;时而如蛙敲鼓碎傍晚,落霞染醉海角路。 忽然,爷爷的笛声又消沉下去,无意竟触伤你的悲处。 忽而笛声又一转,只觉笛孔中又奔出千军万马,接连不断,黄尘蔽天,炮火连连。 只是忽然间千军万马又完整消逝了,笛孔中又涌起奔驰的波浪,囊括着风雪,冲洗着岸边的礁石……爷爷的手指又有片晌的平息,仿佛是要将本人的觉得紧紧捉住,不肯从笛孔中走失。 接着那手指又揉搓起来,揉出了金黄的秋叶,从傍晚的枝头悄悄地、悄悄地飘落又被风卷起。 时而又揉出一川寂寂的月辉,泼湿梦境边沿的等待和苦待。 转而到了开端,我总能觉得到爷爷长远一亮,他的演奏是在咏梅,沉醉在对过往光阴的有限追思中,表露出一枝凌寒单独开的俏梅在雪窖冰天里向万物流露着坚毅的脾气。 爷爷演奏的笛音似乎是他艰深而闪亮的眼神、可视的音符在长远生动地跳动着,深深地动撼着我。 爷爷常对我说:“我这笛声中弥漫着婢女,多闻一闻,你就会像梅花一样。 ”因而我少时的糊口便与此严密相连了。 如今爷爷和他那艰深的眼神远我而去了,只留下我缠缱绻绵的怀念。 相关热词搜索:爷爷 笛声 艰深
相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是小编为大家整理的期中试卷发下来后作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 自从期中考试后,我一直很期望看到自己的考试成绩,可是又怕考得不好,被家长批评。 星期二下午,景老师抱着一摞试卷走进了教室。 我使劲地瞅着,依稀可以看见卷子上一些红笔改过的痕迹,我心里咯噔一下:这是期中试卷吗?我考了多少分?是高分还是低分?考了第几名…… 景老师走上讲台,清了清嗓子,说:“同学们,我们来发期中考试卷,我们来说一下前二十名的成绩。 ”景老师停顿了一下。 此刻,我的心早已提到了嗓子眼儿,几秒钟的时间,我觉得漫长地似乎已经过了一个世纪。 “第一名,刘奕萱,吕冠辰,97分;第三名……”景老师念道。 我越来越紧张不安,一直在想:考上前十!考上前十!突然,一个清亮的声音响起来:“贺文博,第九名,94。 5分。 ”第九名!我是第九名!我没搞错吧?我又惊又喜,连忙冲上讲台,双手接过那张试卷,回到了座位上。 一阵狂喜过后,我开始看试卷,哎呀!这次考试错了3道题,几乎全是因为马虎,例如“削铅笔”的“削”,读一读就知道读xiao,可我却在错误的读音那里打了个“”!这0。 5分就这样失之交臂了,另外两道题也是如此,作文还扣了2分,才导致考了第九名。 通过这次考试,我总结出一个道理:考试要认真对待,切不可蒙混过关!
声明:本文内容仅代表作者个人观点,与本站立场无关。 如有内容侵犯您的合法权益,请及时与我们联系,我们将第一时间安排处理2025年成都市中考满分作文推测范文:记得那一次动身